25000 persons die each year due to mis-matched medicaments. Adversely combined medicines cause every fifth hospitalization. And two thirds of the patients don't read the package leaflet. The drug therapy raises a lot of problems, we reduced in our bachelor project:
Simpill is a mobile assistant supporting the intake of medication. It links to the recovery after the doctor's visit, because from then on the patient acts on his own responsibility. The package leaflet is broken down into the individual essentials and all the information is as comprehensible as may be. A feedback to the medical office is possible through a desktop application for the doctor. With Simpill the patient takes his health into his own hands and avoids the risks of a wrong medication.
Our project got featured in the PAGE Online magazine and on designmadeingermany.de!
Application Design
Interface Design
Hochschule für Gestaltung
Schwäbisch Gmünd
Michelle Dipp
03 / 2018 – 07 / 2018